Lisbon, let's go!

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Hi everyone,

I’m going to talk about me and the reason why I’m doing this project.

My name’s Elisabetta but everyone calls me Elisa, I’m 16, I’m Italian and I’m from Molfetta, a little but also  beautiful town in the south of Italy.

At the moment I’m in the 4th class and I decided to take part  in  this project because, in my opinion, meeting people from other countries can give me the opportunity  to compare my culture with different ones: this is the kind of experience that  ... definitely...opens your mind!

There’s another reason why I’m doing this; I’m pretty sensitive to the topic of migration because my half family is from Albania and I would like my partners' students know the migration history of Albania.

I’m really excited and I cannot wait to meeting  all of you!




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I’m Pierluigi, I’m 15. I live in Ruvo di Puglia, a little  town which dates to the 9th century BC, I go to school to G.  Ferraris High School  in Molfetta. 

I’m friendly and always willing to help everyone. I’m  Taurus and like every Taurus person I like food,  fashion and animals.

I am a single child, my mum is 40 and my father is 43, they are the parents that everyone would would like to have,   they’re open-minded and they’re in young people’s lifestyles.

I am a techie guy too, I love informatics, in fact this year I’m participating in  the Olympic Italian Squad (OIS). I’m really into these things, I train with my squad mates every week and we’re getting always better. But I don’t only study in my days, I work out and go out with friends too.

Pierluigi De Palo 2Ai 


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I'm Alessio . I'm from Molfetta, a small town on  the sea in the  south of Italy . I am 16 years old.  I've got a  sister and two brothers.

I 'm in the third year of "Liceo Montalcini".

I  am a soccer referee and m y favourite food is "parmigiana", a typical dish of my town, made with fried eggplants and filled with cheese and ham. You should  taste it when you come to Italy. It's delicious!

Can't wait to meet all of you!



Natalicchio Sofia

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I 'm Sofia. I am 17 and I 'm in the fourth year of the Liceo OSA "Rita Levi Montalcini". 

I am a simple  girl and, at the moment, I'm  doing lots of things like dancing and studying German. My dream is becoming a veterinarian and  opening  a vet clinic in my town .

My father is a chemist and my mother is a kindergarten teacher. I've got  a brother; he is  three years younger than me. I love animals; in fact I have a rabbit that behaves like a dog, a dog that looks like a sheep, a cat that does nothing but eating  and sleeping  and a fish. I live in an flat  but I also have a country house  where I have a water turtle and land turtles.

This is me and my family!

I can't wait meeting all of you!
