About the project

This project (ERASMUS KA 229) has already been approved by the German National Agency (VG-S2S-K-NW-19-24-059588).
This project is an attempt to help to deal with the increasing problem of mass immigration to Europe.
Its objectives are the reduction of possible present and future conflicts by furthering the communication between migrants and natives, by increasing tolerance and mutual understanding when the project participants and the interested public get to know the different values and cultures better, by trying to increase the migrant families’ trust in local people and local institutions, and by helping migrant families and schoolchildren to cope with work at school.
This project will be carried out by four European schools:
• Adolf-Reichwein-Gesamtschule Lüdenscheid, Germany (coordinating school)
• ITIS „G. FERRARIS“, Molfetta, Italy
• Ekonomska i trgovacka skola, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Students and teachers of the participati


The students will increase their awareness of political and social matters, develop tolerance and intercultural understanding a well as their European identity, they will increase their resistance against all forms of discrimination and racism. They will improve their Englisch language skills as well as their competence in handling digital media. They will learn how to conduct research and interviews with immigrants, how to deal with local and national institutions and politicians, and they will learn how to document and present their findings on this platform and in eBooks.

Work process

The partner schools will communicate via eTwinning in the course of our ERASMUS project from Sept. 2019 to August 2021. There will be a staff training on eTwinning and TwinSpace in October 2019 and short-term exchanges of groups of students at the 4 partner schools: Jan. 2020 in Lisbon, May 2020 in Molfetta, Oct. 2020 in Dubrovnik, and May 2021 in Lüdenscheid. ETwinning and TwinSpace will be the main communicative platforms in between meetings when it comes to the partner schools sharing work in preparation and work done. The students of all four schools will do work on the history of migration in their countries, on the current state of affairs as well as the means taken locally and nationally in their countries to tackle the challenges of mass migration.

Expected results

Our final products will be published for a wider audience (school communities, local communities, on TwinSpace and on the ERASMUS + results platform)
We plan to create an eBook, possibly booklets, exhibitions and material for lessons in topic-related subjects.